DHP5 - DINOSAURS HOLOGRAM PYRAMID 5 gives you the prehistoric experience of animate Dinosaurs which dwelt millions of years ago on Earth right before your very eyes. Pair the App with Hologram pyramid and watch as the 3D Dinosaurs jump out from the screen of the your Tablet or Smartphone.DINOSAURS COLLECTION:♣ Liopleurodon♣ Megalodon♣ Mosasaurus♣ Deinosuchus♣ Elasmosaurus♣ DunkleosteusThis app does provide true Hologram.Thank you for playing our apps! Leave us feedback and we try to make our apps better!Become a fan of DHP on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dino.olodino.90Thank you for playing our games! Stay in touch for news and updates:CANALE YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwzJpyCYqfhNofNH-EaKO8g?view_as=subscriberTWITTER: https://twitter.com/HOLODINOSAURSITE: https://dhp-dinosaurs.weebly.com/